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操作方法:测试电池 使用测试设备正确检查电池

来源:BANNER蓄电池 发布时间:2023-07-08 10:33:35 点击:



请遵循以下说明,当然,请务必阅读测试设备的操作说明。您还可以在操作说明中找到有关人身安全程序的信息 - 请始终牢记这些信息 -安全第一。

此处提供的信息旨在作为使用所有 Banner 测试设备的粗略指南。





  • 找到您的电池



  • 准备测试


    注意:只要测试设备未连接到车辆电池,显示屏就会为空白,并且不会有 On/Off 开关。

  • 测试电池

    After preparing for testing, clamp the black cable from the battery tester to the negative terminal of the vehicle battery and the red cable to the positive terminal. Once the terminals are connected to the battery, the first thing that will appear on the display is “Battery test“. Press the right arrow key ◄ ► to select “System test “, “Language selection“, “Test counter“, “Date“, “Brightness“ and “Adjust“. Select one of the desired parameters by pressing “Enter“ and then follow the instructions on the display. Further steps and detailed information can be found in the operating instructions.

    If the printer is out of paper, open the cover and insert paper to allow it to run automatically into the printer.

  • Testing the battery – Part 2

    Once you have returned to “Battery test“, press “Enter“ to start the test. The display will then show the current battery voltage and other information. In the next step, select the battery type using the arrow keys ◄ ►: LEAD-ACID BATTERY (e.g. for Banner Starting Bull/Power Bull/Running Bull EFB), AGM FLAT PLATE (e.g. for Banner Running Bull AGM), AGM SPIRAL, VRLA/GEL. Confirm your selection using «ENTER». Next, the testing standard: EN, SAE, IEC, DIN or JIS should be selected with the arrow keys ◄ ►; confirm this with «ENTER».

    Banner recommends always taking EN 50.342:2016 as a basis.

  • Testing the battery – Part 3

    Next, use the arrow keys to select the cold start current value in EN ◄ ►.

    EN 40~2100 (see cold start information on the battery being tested)

    If the vehicle has been in operation or the battery charged just before testing, a surface charge will be present in the battery. The device may prompt you to eliminate this surface charge before beginning the test.

    Follow the instructions on the display.

    Select one of the options with the arrow keys ◄ ►. Battery charged: YES or NO. Confirm using «ENTER».

    After the test has ended, the LED display will show the current voltage and the EN cold start value (depending on the setting) or %. (To choose between SOH (BATTERY CONDITION) or SOC (CHARGE LEVEL), press the arrow keys ▲\▼).

  • Test result

    After the test, one of the following six possible results will be displayed: Good & Passed, Good & Charge, Charge & Test, Defective/Replace, Cell Defective, Load Error/Replace.


    After the result, press «ENTER» for the TESTCODE; the code will appear as a BARCODE. Please note that the BARCODE scanner here only supports the CODE39 format. à For how to use the BARCODE’, read the operating instructions.

    By confirming YES or NO with «ENTER», you can use the arrows ◄ ► to specify whether the result should be printed.

  • Testing complete.

    To end the test, remove the cables from the battery terminals; when the cables are removed, the display will be blank and the device will be switched off. The settings will be saved until the next battery test.

  • 负极 Pol、正极 Pol、电池测试仪
  • 电池测试仪、电池类型
  • 电池测试仪,测试仪

图片 1冯 7

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